Recognition of the remarkable life of Joey Giambra comes in many forms,
including giving back to the community that gave so much to Joey and that he dearly loved.
With your help we can join together with a common purpose to create opportunity for artists, inspire people to create, seek, and enjoy the arts, and contribute to the distinct community that is Western New York.
Artist Frank Coppola has graced a wall of Silo City with the temporary mural showcased above, giving us a glimpse of what he has in store for our cornerstone project, a permanent mural.
From scholarships to art depicting the journey that unites us, Joey’s legacy will endure— bringing us together and reminding us to enjoy and honor the talent and culture of Western New York.
Donate Online
Mail Check
Payable to Giambra Legacy Fund
Arts Services Inc.
2495 Main Street, #422
Buffalo, NY 14214
All gifts of any size are very much appreciated
and will be properly acknowledged for tax purposes.